Have you ever wondered where your food comes from? How it was grown? By who? And if it traveled further than you do on a yearly vacation? Community-supported agriculture (CSA) is a system that connects the producer and consumers within the food system more closely by allowing the consumer to subscribe to a farm's harvest.
You know where your food is coming from and you are helping maintain a local farm operation. You are supporting a small local farm while at the same time ensuring you know exactly where and how your food is grown and by whom.
How Does It Work?
Each week Fox Whistle Farm will grow fresh organically grown vegetables harvested weekly for you and your family to pick up at a designated location. Each week we try to switch it up and give a diverse bag of goodies. Sometimes you may even get something you’ve never had or seen before!
If something happens and you can’t make the pickup, alert Farmer Sara ASAP and we can arrange a time for you to pick up at the farm. If you go out of town, or just don’t want to pick up your share that week, you can gift your share to someone else. Pickup time and place remains the same.
What happens if I don’t pickup or gift my share, do I get my money back? The answer is no, the investment you make in the CSA is for all of the weeks regardless if you pickup or not. This initial investment allows the farm to purchase seeds and start of the season materials. Basically, the money is already spent.
What to Expect
Every week I will send a newsletter to let you know how the farm is doing. What’s growing, what’s not and why. How the farm animals are doing and what’s coming in your share that week. Usually there will be a recipe as well. This will give you and your family a peek into the weekly life of a small sustainable farm and what goes into it.
There is also an egg share you can add to your weekly pickup. Free range, pasture-raised, happy hens living their best life and providing us fresh eggs daily. A dozen eggs of multiple colors, brown, green, blue. Never any antibiotics or chemicals. This can be added to your cart on the website. There are a limited number of egg shares available.
We can’t guarantee any one vegetable since Mother Nature has the final say, but here’s a rough idea of what you can expect in your weekly shares:
Month of June:
Radish, kale, lettuces, sugar snap peas, shelling peas, snow peas, herbs, carrots, beets, swiss chard, spinach, arugula, bok choy.
Month of July:
Beets, lettuces, carrots, cucumber, green beans, herbs, summer squash, kale, swiss chard.
Month of August:
Cucumber, tomatoes, sweet peppers, hot peppers, eggplant, okra, carrots, beets, herbs, swiss chard, sweet corn, watermelon.
Month of September:
Tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, carrots, broccoli, cabbage, kale, swiss chard, spinach, lettuces, green beans, herbs.
Month of October:
Butternut squash, spaghetti squash, delicata, acorn squash, kales, swiss chards, lettuces.